17th Nailsea Community Skate Festival
Following on from the very successful spring clean at the Nailsea skate park, where around 50 volunteers helped clear up the skatepark and surrounding area, organisers of the Nailsea Community Skate Park Festival are busy finalising arrangements for this year’s event.
With lots of action not just on the skate park but also on the field planned, it looks set to be another really popular event for the Nailsea community and surrounding area.
The event will take place at the traditional venue of Millennium Park (Next to Tesco) in Nailsea, on Saturday 8th June 2019, 1pm – 5pm.
The skate park-based action will give an amazing opportunity to users to showcase the skills they’ve learnt and refined during the year. Skateboard, scooter and BMX competitions will take place, and there will also be numerous stalls, activities and food and drink to enjoy.
As in previous years, there will be the opportunity for organisations to have a stall showcasing their activities. Forms have already been sent out to previous stallholders, but if you haven’t been involved before and would like to receive a form, please contact nailseaskatefest@gmail.com
Attractions already confirmed include a climbing wall with the Army recruitment centre team, the football cage and bus supplied by the community policing team, bouncy castle, as well as a youth space and a children’s zone.
The event is run purely from local funding donations and takings on the day itself, both of which organisers are extremely grateful for, so if you would be interested in becoming an official sponsor or would like to find out more details of the opportunities that exist, please contact Phil Williams on phil@christiansurfers.co.uk.
Huge thanks to all those already involved in the planning of this year’s event, particularly those from Holy Trinity and Trendlewood churches, Nailsea Town Council, Nailsea Community Trust, Christians Together in Nailsea, Baptist Church, and all the individual volunteers who will be giving up their time. Festival updates will follow via the Facebook pages Nailsea Skatepark Project and Nailsea Skate Fest and Activities Showcase.