No. 65 High Street opens as Nailsea’s Digital Community Hub!

Nailsea Town Council’s purchase of 65 High Street has seen it transformed into a digital community hub. Formerly Youth House, No.65 is now a digital learning centre to help those within the community who need support to access technology. The project is one of only 20 NHS Digital Provider Projects in the country being rolled out over the next 3 years.

The hub provides technology and guidance for users to help develop their skills and confidence.  The aim is to support health and wellbeing, which ranges from shopping online and contacting friends and family to ordering a repeat prescription, accessing information on medical conditions and choosing a preferred hospital provider for surgery or appointment

No 65 is a very informal place, run by volunteers. The aim is to find out what people want to know and give them one to one help in a friendly way. The most effective way for this to work is to learn one thing at a time and to come back for more help whenever they want.

Nailsea School Sixth Form Students were approached by Nailsea Community Trust to help and support users in their learning. Currently 8 students have volunteered and are helping those members for whom the hub will become a vital resource. The students Max, Daniel, Laura R, Laura S, Jessica, Alicia, Hannah  and Sophie  are all assisting the visitors in getting to grips with the technology.

In addition, Sixth Form student Alice is organising for Art Work from Nailsea School to be displayed within the centre during February half-term.

Ian Morrell Nailsea Town Council Clerk said:

“We are really pleased to see Nailsea Sixth Form students volunteer to help members of the community in this way, it’s very encouraging to see the project working across the generations. It could be assumed that young people are so adept with technology that they would find it difficult to transfer this knowledge to people who don’t have the same skills. But, without exception, all the students have dealt with people in a considerate and patient manner, and have explained things in clear and simple ways. We have been very impressed with their contribution to the project.”

No. 65 opened at the beginning of October and Nailsea School Sixth Form students are working with Nailsea Town Council in making the project a success. Members of the community are welcome and its opening hours are Monday – Friday from 9.30am until 12.00pm.

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