COVID-19 Business Grants
The Government has recently announced grant schemes to help businesses following the COVID-19 outbreak.
[Information correct at time of publishing. For the latest updates on local Covid-19 measures and announcements, view our coronavirus news articles.]Small business grant
£10,000 grant available for ratepayers in receipt of small business relief. Rateable value of less than £15,000.
Retail grant
Grant available for ratepayers in receipt of retail relief (this includes properties falling within the recently announced extension to the scheme). £10,000 for businesses with a rateable value of less than £15,000, and £25,000 for businesses with a rateable value between £15,000 but less than £51,000.
If you are a business in receipt of small business and retail relief, only the small business grant is applicable. The grant will be payable if you were the ratepayer of the property and eligible for either small business or retail relief on the qualification date of 11 March 2020.
Grant payments will be paid by BACS. Please complete the form to confirm your details (including your bank details), so the grant paymnt can be processed. Make sure the information provided is accurate, as the provision of inaccurate information could lead to your payment either being withdrawn or claimed back at a later date.
If you have responsibility for multiple business properties, please make a separate request for each individual property.
For more information, please visit: