Get off your bikes!

Nailsea Town Council announces a questionnaire for Nailsea residents on where they would like new cycle stands located in Nailsea.
Nailsea Town Council is keen to find out if the public would like additional cycle stands in Nailsea and if so where they should be placed.

Once the feedback is obtained the Town Council will consider the logistics of the potential sites such as whether Landlord permission is required and develop further proposals based on your feedback.

The closing date for feedback is Midday on the 31 August 2024

Click here to take part

Cathy East, Communications and Media Officer at Nailsea Town Council says ‘Nailsea Town Council are keen to support Active Travel and encourage cycling and walking whenever possible. As many Nailsea residents like to cycle we felt that asking where they would like new cycle stands to be installed would be helpful to encourage more people to get on their bikes and cycle whenever possible.’