North Somerset’s Green Infrastructure Strategy – Have Your Say
North Somerset Council have prepared a green infrastructure strategy to help protect and enhance the local natural environment, and residents of North Somerset are invited to give their views.
What is Green Infrastructure?
Green infrastructure (GI) is about connecting places and habitats to make them the best they can be.
It includes things like:
- parks and open spaces
- woodlands
- seaside walks and coastal pathways
- natural flood defenses and drainage systems
North Somerset Council protect and manage these spaces to enhance their environmental benefits and the quality of life they provide for the local area. They also play an important role in the Council’s plans to be carbon neutral by 2030.
The Purpose of the Green Infrastructure Strategy
The purpose of the strategy is to –
- protect and enhance the green infrastructure network within North Somerset
- form a vital contribution to the Council’s vision for: ‘An open, fairer, greener North Somerset’
- support the Council’s declaration of a climate and nature emergency in 2019 and 2020
The strategy will inform the Council’s decision making, planning policy, and development management. This will help to create a healthier and more attractive place for residents with better access to nature and high-quality open spaces, as well as improve biodiversity across the region.
The strategy will also –
- set out the GI network in North Somerset and provide a framework for GI improvements for both people and wildlife
- support and help deliver the requirements of both national and local policy and strategies
The strategy has been developed in agreement with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It also draws support from the West of England Joint Green Infrastructure Strategy (2020-2030) and feeds into the North Somerset Local Plan (2020 – 2036).
North Somerset Council wants as many people as possible to contribute to the development of the strategy. This in turn will help shape the future of our communities and create a greener, fairer and more resilient North Somerset.
To find out more, review the strategy and submit your thoughts, please visit: Green Infrastructure Strategy