Holocaust Memorial event in Nailsea
Today was Holocaust Memorial Day. This is a time to remember the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution and in the genocides, which followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. At 10am Nailsea Town Council (NTC) held a short memorial service on Lion’s Green with members of the public in attendance.

Cllr Ben Kushner opened the event with a speech saying “Whilst we rightly commemorate the victims of the dreadful Nazi Holocaust, we also remember the victims of the other acts of genocide the World has sadly experienced, in Cambodia, Ruanda, Bosnia and Darfur. We also remember the innocent victims of the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, Israel and Gaza.”
He went on to tell the audience about a very powerful book he is reading by Daniel Finkelstein, called “Hitler, Stalin, Mum and Dad.’
Ben says “This book describes how decent people were overcome by tyrants coming to power and overturning their existence in terrible ways. I think it’s well worth a read. It is my personal view that commemorating the terrible genocides of the last century is, as relevant today as it has ever been.”

The Chair of Nailsea Town Council, Cllr James Tonkin, spoke describing an event close to his heart, that took place in the aftermath of the genocide in Cambodia. James said “I would like to take this opportunity to remember the atrocities which occurred in Cambodia during the 1970s where the Khmer Rouge under the leadership of Pol Pot, slaughtered up to 2 million of their own people, which was estimated to be 1/4 of the population. At this time, can we remember particularly Christopher Howes, who was a friend of mine and a Nailsea and Backwell resident. Christopher was employed in the1990s by the Mines Advisory Group to defuse mines in Cambodia, that had been left behind by the regime. In 1996, he was captured and murdered by the Khmer Rouge, whilst protecting his team. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”.

We are delighted that two students, Maisie and Eliza from Nailsea School read a poem called ‘Belsen Silence – By Lolo Lewis’ at the event. According to the Holocaust Memorial Day website Lolo Lewis served in the British 11th Armoured Division, which liberated the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in April 1945. The students wanted to show support and give back to the community and are learning about the second world was as part of their History A Level.
Finally, Cllr Ben Kushner finished by reading a part of the Kaddish, the sacred Jewish prayer for the Dead.