Holocaust Memorial event in Nailsea

Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on 27th January each year and is a time to remember the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution and in the genocides, which followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. On the 27 January 2025, Nailsea Town Council (NTC) will be holding a short memorial service on Lion’s Green at 10:00 am and the public are welcome to attend .

The format of our short service will be:

• A few thoughts from Cllr Ben Kushner of Nailsea Town Council to open the short event.
• The Chair of Nailsea Town Council, Cllr James Tonkin, will speak describing an event close to his heart, that took place in the aftermath of the genocide in Cambodia
• We are delighted that 2 students from Nailsea School will be doing a reading for us.
• Finally, Cllr Ben Kushner will finish by reading a part of the Kaddish, the sacred Jewish prayer for the Dead.

Ben says “ Whilst we rightly commemorate the victims of the dreadful Nazi Holocaust, we also remember the victims of the other acts of genocide the World has sadly experienced, in Cambodia, Ruanda, Bosnia and Darfur. We also remember the innocent victims of the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, Israel and Gaza.

This is the 5th memorial event TC have held, including the special event we put on in the Nailsea Tithe Barn last January, which was well attended and was a very memorable evening. Commemorating the terrible genocides of the last century is, in my opinion, as relevant today as it has ever been.”