Households Urged To Complete Census To Avoid Fines
Although Census Day 2021 has been and gone, households that have not yet responded are being urged to do so. Field officers will be going door-to-door across the country this week to collect the information that is outstanding to avoid people having to pay fines.
Millions of households across England and Wales have already made sure they count when it comes to the planning and provision of the key services we all rely upon, like GP surgeries, school places and hospital beds, by filling out their online census form. However there are still many people that have not yet completed it, and it is vital they do so as soon as possible.
The census is a unique survey of all households in England and Wales. To be truly representative, it needs everyone to be counted. Field officers are already out and about and will visit households where records show there has been no response.
Office for National Statistics Director of Operations Pete Benton said: “Everyone is required by law to respond to the census and if you do so now you won’t be fined.”
“The overwhelming majority of people across England and Wales have already taken part and we’ve heard some great stories: from those completing their 10th census to those completing their first.”
In order to get the most accurate picture of the whole population, everyone needs to fill in their questionnaire. By doing so you will be helping shape the local services in your community – the bus routes, school places, the hospital beds. You can do it easily online at or there are a number of census support centres open across England and Wales that can help you.
The field officers going door-to-door will be able to help and encourage those who have not yet filled in their census questionnaire online or on paper and can direct them to the support services they need. Field staff will never need to enter people’s houses; they will always be socially distanced, be equipped with PPE and work in line with all government guidance. They will be operating in the same way as a postal or food delivery visit. They also carry ID to show they are genuinely working on the census.
Please complete your questionnaire if you haven’t yet or you could land yourself in hot water. Visit for more information.