Nailsea in Bloom Update
An update from Nailsea in Bloom –
Like all the other groups Nailsea in Bloom will not be receiving any plants from the contractors this year for the summer planting due to the coronavirus. Because of this we are trying to think of what we will be able to do come the time that we will be able to go out and do something with the planters.
One of our group has suggested that we ask all gardeners in Nailsea if they are planting any seeds if they can plant any extra seeds and grow them on for the group so that we can hopefully have some sort of display for the town. Also if anyone is taking cuttings or have plants in pots these could potentially all be used just to bring some colour to the town once we are all allowed out to enjoy it.
Any help people can give would be very much appreciated and if they have any questions they can contact ( or
Wendy Mobbs and Sue Walker
Nailsea in Bloom