Nailsea Leg Club is looking for people to take part in the ’22 Challenge’ for Vein Week

Nailsea Leg Club is helping to promote Vein Week 2022. Vein week takes place from 4th April and is all about promoting vein health, discussing venous and lymphatic disease management and raising awareness of how people can stay healthy. Nailsea Leg Club is inviting everyone to take part in various challenges and is asking for 1-minute videos to help promote the cause. The challenges are as follows:

  • Dancing
  • Walking
  • Running
  • Star jumps
  • Leg lifts
  • Bike riding
  • Gym workout

You choose the challenge based on what is challenging for you as long as it involves 22! 

22 Seconds/2.2 minutes/22 minutes/22 miles/22 Killer meters.

If you are taking part, please submit your video by email to by 25th March.

Flyer for Vein Week 2022