Remember remember the 5th of November
What was the Gunpowder Plot?
Guy (Guido) Fawkes was part of the Gunpowder plot in 1605. He wanted to blow up King James I and his government.
This was because of religion. England was a Protestant country and the plotters were Catholic. They wanted England to be Catholic again, and thought they could force change if they killed King James I and his ministers.
So, Fawkes and his group put 36 barrels of gunpowder in cellars underneath the Houses of Parliament in London, ready to set off a massive explosion.
However, one member of Fawkes’ group sent a letter to his friend who worked in Parliament, warning him to stay away on 5 November.
The King’s supporters got hold of the letter and the plot was rumbled!
Guards broke into the cellars where the gunpowder plotters were waiting. They were arrested and later executed.
At this time of year, lots of people celebrate Bonfire Night by watching fireworks and going to bonfire displays.
It’s important to have fun while keeping yourself safe – and look out for your pets too.
Animal charities such as the PDSA say that the loud bangs and bright lights of fireworks can make animals anxious.
Tips to keep you pets safe
Outdoor pets
If possible, bring your outdoor pets inside.
Move animals in their hutches, like guinea pigs or rabbits, to a garage or shed.
Soundproof their cages by putting a breathable blanket over the top.
Give them some extra bedding so they have somewhere to hide if they do get scared
Indoor pets
If you know there’s going to be fireworks, keep your pets in the house.
Shut any windows and doors so they can’t run off if they do get frightened.
Make sure blinds and curtains are closed.
Build them a den in an area they feel safe in. This could mean putting an extra blanket on their bed.
Try turning up the TV or music so they’re distracted by familiar sounds.
If your pets are unsettled, it’s important not to get cross with them or make too much of a fuss of them.
Give them some space and treat them as you would normally.
Follow these golden rules yourself :
1) Stand well back from fireworks and bonfires.
2) Never touch fireworks. Only an adult who knows what they’re doing should light them.
3) Always try to attend an organised event. Accidents can happen, so it’s always best to let the professionals do it.
4) Always wear gloves when using sparklers and hold them at arms length – when its finished put them in a bucket of sand or water.
5) HAVE FUN and enjoy yourself!