Renewable Energy Public Workshop – Follow Up Online Consultation

A public workshop was held on 12th February, capturing local people’s views on whether the community could get more of its energy from renewable sources. Support was expressed for the possible development of wind turbines and solar farms within the area.

Following on from this renewable energy workshop, residents of Nailsea and Tickenham are now invited to have their say on the workshop suggestions via an online consultation. The comments made in the consultation will influence North Somerset Council’s renewable energy policy development.

The views of workshop participants are summarised in a map and survey on the online consultation. The comments made in the workshop were high level suggestions of what might be acceptable. The Council will carry out further work to ensure that what is suggested would be feasible / acceptable. This includes considering the impact on the landscape, noise impacts, disruption from construction traffic, and wildlife protection. 

There also will be further opportunities to comment on the Council’s emerging planning policies when they are drafted.

To participate in the online consultation, please visit: