You’re invited to the Nailsea Chamber AGM – 17th April 2018
You’re invited to attend the AGM of the Nailsea Chamber, to be held at 5.30pm on Tuesday 17th April at the old Youth House, 65 High Street, Nailsea, Bristol, BS48 1AW. To encourage you to join us there will be wine and nibbles, provided from Chamber funds.
Nailsea Town Council Chairman, David Packham, will be attending to speak about how the Chamber and it’s members can engage with the neighbourhood plan. Stephen Bashford (Head of Economic Development for North Somerset Council) has also been invited to also speak at the AGM.
The chamber needs to elect a new Chairman and Vice Chair. The formal process for nominating members for any role is that nominations should be in writing signed by one member and by the nominee. A nomination form can be downloaded here and should be returned to Ian Thompson via email – no later than a week before the AGM.
The Agenda items will be:-
- Chairman’s report
- Receive Treasurer’s report and approve accounts
- Membership management
- To elect members for the officers roles
- Any other business
- Guest Speakers – David Packham & Stephen Bashford
If there are any other issues which members would like to put on the agenda please let me know. I look forward to seeing you at the AGM if not before.
Best regards
Ian Thompson