Nailsea Country Market
Home Made, Home Grown, Hand Crafted!
Open 10am – 11:15am in Christ Church Vestry Hall, every Friday except when Nailsea Farmers Market is the following day. See their Facebook page for date listings.
There are a variety of stalls selling plants, crafts, local eggs and cheeses, cooked meat, fish, butter, honey, apple juice, seasonal fruit and veg, preserves and baked goods, including cakes, cookies, savouries and desserts, all made in and around Nailsea. Enjoy a cup of coffee and cake at Nailsea’s Country Market!
Country Markets will take orders and are happy to discuss with you what you want – whether it is a large order of cakes or savouries for a special event or just the one item. If you can’t make a market date, each market also has a contact who will take an order and deliver it to your door.
Country Markets also operate a hamper scheme. It works just like Inter Flora and you will be able to order a hamper for delivery anywhere in the country – a perfect present for a new student or elderly relative.
New Producers
We welcome new producers. Small volume producers are as welcome as those with more to sell.
Just pop into your local market and talk to the Market Manager or contact 07939 989805 to become a producer. It costs a nominal amount to join the co-operative and a small commission is taken from anything you sell to cover running costs.
All products are sold co-operatively. You do not have your own table as your produce will share table space with other producers in the market. Items you sell must be new and home made, home grown or hand crafted by you.