Farmers’ Market rules for stallholders:
- Definition of Local: For the purpose of these rules Nailsea Farmers Markets defines ‘local’ as a 30 mile radius of the market.
- Wherever possible, producers will come from within the defined local area.Definition of “Producer”: We allow three kinds of Producer. You may be in more than one category. For example, a beef farmer (Primary Producer) may also make pies from their meat (Secondary Producer).
PRIMARY Producer – Produces raw ingredients such as apples or beef or harvests from the wild.
SECONDARY Producer – Makes products with major ingredients sourced as locally as possible.
BAKER – Makes baked goods. Major ingredients must be sourced as locally as possible. - Difficult to source produce or produce not represented at the market may be admitted from up to 80 miles. These producers will not be classed as local to this market.
- Preference will be given to the most local producer when a space (for the product) becomes available, so long as quality and standards are met. This is on receipt of application to the Market Manager. Those producers who have applied and are accepted will be placed on a waiting list until such time as they can be admitted.
- If the market expands in size, then further producers with similar products may be considered on the condition that range, diversity and quality of produce are not adversely affected.
- On application, all produce must be listed as accurately as possible. The approval and the selection and balance of produce at the Farmers’ Market is decided upon by the Town Council’s Market Committee. In certain cases, new applicants may be asked to ‘tailor’ their stall to help maintain the balance and variety at the market. Attendees must re-apply for the introduction of any new items or due to a change in business details/structure.
- Own produce: All produce sold must be either; grown, reared, caught, or processed by the producer. Special arrangements may be made with the Market Manager depending on the circumstance. However, the stallholder must be able to answer customer questions about production. No bought-in produce can be directly sold on without further processing.
- Directly involved in production: The producer, an associated family member, an employee, or a member of a collaborative organisation can attend each market so long as these persons are listed on the application and they are directly involved in production.
- Locally grown/ reared ingredients: Processed goods must contain as much locally grown/reared ingredient/s as is possible for the product – a minimum of 25% for all products; 10% minimum for bread and cakes.
- The main ingredient should be own or locally grown/ reared.
- The base product should be significantly altered.
- Local grown/ reared ingredients and estimated percentages should be listed on the producer application form.
- Proof of the local ingredients may be requested and passed to Trading Standards.
- The main constituent of the product should be made up by the producer not with commercial mixes e.g. fruit filling in a fruit pie, cakes.
- Wholesome commercial mixes may be used for lesser aspects of the finished product. Wholesome meaning for example; without MSG, unnatural E numbers, food colourings.
- Hydrogenated fats should be avoided.
- Producer visits: Producers agree to be visited at their place of production by a representative of the market, if felt necessary.
- Environmental Health (EH) compliant: Produce preparation, packaging, display and handling must comply with local environmental health legislation; your details may be passed on.
- Trading Standards (TS) compliant: Produce weighing, labelling and signage must comply with Trading Standards legislation; your details may be passed on.We recommend that producers develop a working relationship with their local EH Officer & TS Officer.
- GM: Genetically Modified Products should not knowingly be used in the production of goods on offer.
- Insurance: Producers must have £5 million Public, Product and Employee Liability insurance which covers Street Trading activity. A copy must be provided to the Market Manager on application, and thereafter, a new copy must be provided with every policy renewal or modification.NB: someone minding your stall on a temporary basis is classed as an employee.
- Collaborative stalls (two sharing) may be considered when two producers wish to share a canopy, this will be made available if the reason to do so is equitable and meets the approval of the Market Committee.
- Each producer will be treated as an individual applicant and must fulfil the Farmers’ Market criteria.
- Attendance at the stall should be shared equally unless otherwise agreed between the producers and the Market Manager.
- Neither producer should profit from the sale of the other’s products. Each producer or their representative must be in attendance.
- Stall fee is reduced by a third for each producer.
- Any disagreement that cannot be resolved by the producers will be dealt with by the Market Committee.
- A “Non-Producer” stall can be offered if either: a) there is sufficient “service to customer” demand or b) for the self-promotion of a local charity or group (charity stalls will be classed as guest stalls). Guest stalls will be offered at the discretion of the Market Manager and only if there is space available.
- Only top quality produce should be offered for sale at the market, produce not listed on the application form may be removed by the Market Manager; please see point 4.
- Stalls should be clearly labelled with the business name – visible even when people are standing in front of the stall.
- If claiming organic or similar certification, a copy of the certificate and any supporting documents that specify what is covered must be displayed on your stall.
- Health, cleanliness and safety
- People attending the stall must be clean and tidy.
- Smoking at the stall is prohibited.
- Adequate hand washing facilities must be provided where appropriate – ask your local EH Officer if unsure.
- Prepared food, for consumption without further cooking – seek advice from your local EH Officer.
- Measures to avoid cross contamination must be in place if selling raw meat and prepared food from one stall – seek advice from your local EH Officer.
- Stalls must be kept clean, tidy and free from hazards.
- Electrical equipment must be serviceable and in good repair. You must ensure that it does not create a trip hazard for staff, other stallholders or customers.
- Any cooking appliance used for cooking by the stallholder must be accompanied with the appropriate fire extinguisher. The onus is on the stallholder to adequately provide the correct fire control method.
- Transportation – producers must ensure that vehicle/s and containers are suitable for transporting food and meet food hygiene standards.
- Stallholders are responsible for removing their own rubbish at the end of the market
- Booking a stall: Is by fee one month prior to market or for new bookings not less than two weeks’ before. Exceptions to the rule can be made depending on circumstance and at the discretion of the Market Manager.
- Severe Weather or other Acts of God: The Shopping Centre Management (representing the land owners) along with the Market Committee will try and ensure that every market event takes place. However, if conditions are deemed severe enough to create a risk to health and safety, then the Market Manager, Market Committee and/or Shopping Centre Management can make the decision to cancel. A decision to cancel may be as near as the day prior on the day or during the market. In the event of cancellation, neither management party will be held responsible for any loss to the producer. If Market is cancelled before the setting up, then all booking fees will be transferred to the next Market date.
- Cancellation: Please attend all pre booked markets unless it is absolutely unavoidable. If you do have to cancel, a minimum two weeks’ notice is required. No transfer of fee to next market or refund can be given for cancellations less than two weeks. Refunds will only be given on request.
- Market canopies will be provided and only erected and dismantled by those who are insured and commissioned by Nailsea Town Council for this purpose, unless in the case of an emergency, e.g. extreme weather conditions.
- The Market Manager or a member of the Nailsea Town Council is responsible for collecting stall fees, to be paid on the market day. Fees include VAT and receipts will be provided. Yearly VAT receipts can be provided on request.
- Stalls must be ready for trading by 9am when the market opens. Setting up can commence from 7.30am. Please respect that there are residents living locally, so keep noise level to a minimum.
- Vehicles may enter from 7.30am and only earlier if permission is given by the Security Attendant. Please drive in slowly with your hazard lights on and follow any instructions given by the Security Attendant or Market Manager. Park your vehicle so you are facing the correct way to exit, taking care to not obstruct any drive-through area. Vehicles must be removed to the designated parking area by 8.45am. No vehicle entry is permitted after 8.30am.
- Packing up should not begin before 12.45pm (unless early closure of the market is called by the Market Manager or Shopping Centre Management). We ask that, even if you sell out, you remain at the market until closing as it affects the look of the market overall – treat it as an opportunity to promote your produce and your business through leaflets and chatting to customers; pictures and information about production will help generate interest as well as ‘telling the story’ while you have produce to sell.
- Vehicles may be brought back onto site from 12.50pm for packing up. You must have your hazard lights on, be aware of pedestrians and follow any instructions given by the Market Manager and Security Attendant. Due to volume of vehicles you may be asked to wait before it is safe with room to enter the site. Please respect instructions you are given. Park your vehicle so you are facing the correct way to exit, taking care to not obstruct any drive-through area.
- Every producer contributes to the overall look, atmosphere and therefore, success of the market. This includes promoting your product and the values of the market, supporting market events, respecting any actions or decisions made by the Market Manager or Market Committee, having a positive attitude, friendly engagement with customers and collaboration with other stallholders along with respecting the market rules. Any producer appearing to be unwilling to support the general ethos of the market will be asked to leave.
- Antisocial behaviour or transgression of the rules by yourself or your staff, may result in instant dismissal from the market.
The Market Manager’s decision is final. However, if you feel you have been unfairly treated you may appeal to the Market Committee.