Introducing Hayley Orchard, Nailsea Town Council’s New Community and Wellbeing Officer
Hayley Orchard, our new Community and Wellbeing Officer, joined Nailsea Town Council in April and is based at No 65, High Street community hub. Hayley will be available for residents to access help at No 65 every Thursday and Friday. Her remit is to support residents with their health and wellbeing issues. See a video of Hayley here
Hayley says
“There are 5 steps to wellbeing – Connect, Be Active, Be Mindful, Learn; and Give. I want to be able to help Nailsea residents assess these steps to healthy wellbeing so they can be the best they can be. So, no matter how big or small your issue is I will try to help you, or point you in the right direction of someone who can help.
Please drop into No 65 or contact me on 07951 367703 or by email If you need help”