PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION 2024 ‘Images of Nailsea’
The objective of this photography competition is to obtain images of Nailsea to promote and support Nailsea town on the Nailsea Town Council Website and to showcase the talented photographers of Nailsea.
We invite you to participate in our photography competition and share your unique perspective on Images of Nailsea’. Your images will not only be a testament to the Town but also a source of inspiration for a future.
We expect you to use your creativity and imagination and find your own examples of how best to convey the theme of ‘Images of Nailsea’ through the medium of photography and to showcase the town.
The competition is open to all amateur photographers of any age group who reside in or attend school or college in Nailsea, Somerset.
Deadline for entries is midnight on 31 January 2024.
Awards are gift tokens for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places for £25, £15 and £10 respectively.
Photographs must have been taken by the entrant since January 2023.
Photographs must be entered by e-mail as attachments to
Photographs must be submitted in the format of a digital jpeg at a minimum of 2MB.
Each entry must be accompanied by a caption of no more than 100 words explaining why the photograph illustrates the theme of ‘Images of Nailsea’.
Please also include the following information: First name, last name, email address.
Thank you for taking part. We look forward to receiving your entries.
If you have any queries please email: